
Monday, November 14, 2016

customer service and the internet

Track 1 = Audio 30
And the final story on consumen news tonight is about customer service and the internet. Broadway software do the survey in the how online customers uptodate. Its ask people to buy a product from an online retailer and then return it as soon as they receved it. They also ask to try make contact with the retailer. The result of the survey a generally encouraging for consumer. They can contact all the companys are the by email or via call center and with 89% customers can choose how to return goods. But 29% of companys take more than 2 business days to answer an email. This means that if customers want ro quick respon, they have to spend more money by making a telephone call. The result show that the return policy of online retailer is getting better. But Broadway software belive, it is still not absolutely satisfactory.

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